That the liberal state—the upshot of the ideology called liberalism, which is the only dominant ideology in the Western world—is perhaps the most powerful construct that has ever existed is becoming undeniable with every passing year. Indeed, through a centuries-long onslaught of propaganda and indoctrination, the people have come to believe that the only alternative to the rot of this state is its own offsprings, namely socialism and communism or the hybrids thereof (since national socialism and fascism are dead and buried, contrary to what the state’s propaganda tells us). Of course the laissez-faire state needs desperately to sell that narrative, since those failed ideologies cannot fool anybody and thus they are effectively no viable alternative to the decomposing liberal swindle.
But the people, despite the overwhelming proof to the contrary, still believe the propaganda. Therefore the state itself is a construct, by virtue of being socially considered by convention something that it is not. However, as the liberal mastodon breaks down and further deteriorates in its unquenchable thirst to protect the caste for which it exists, the people will grow more dissatisfied and desperate, and their frustration more difficult to be concealed and contained. Consequently, as the people start to resist and eventually revolt, the state will become more and more violent, breaking every rule, violating every norm and law, and encroaching on every natural right that it is supposed to abide by and enforce. This schizophrenic development, that of a state incapable of upholding its own deontological responsibilities, from where its only source of legitimacy stems, will end up catastrophically. Violence against the body politic is in the horizon. It might take one year, or five, or twenty. But the obsession of the liberal state to carry out its duty with fanatical determination and lack of self-restraint, i.e., the facilitation of the concentration and expansion of capital—to grotesque levels—in the hands of the master/usufructuary/donor caste, will be ultimately its downfall. The phalanxes of workers will grow more and more resentful and difficult to assuage, persuade or distract with propaganda, indoctrination and cheap entertainment. And the unpalatable bastards of liberal capitalism, namely socialism and communism, will not be enough to deter the people from finally aspiring to something radically new and better, and free of the laissez-faire stench.
In fact, the violence is already here. We see people being thrown in jail—often kept captive without charges for months—for opining about election fraud on social media sites, or for criticizing foreign states that are apparently out of the bounds of our First Amendment, or for protesting wars or abortions or what have you. Habeas corpus is hardly enforced these days, unless of course you have a lot of money for lawyers, and police forces show up in military gear to arrest political dissidents—as, for example, Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, can attest to. I have a word of caution for my fellow workers—and I give it publicly as a historical record—that hard times are ahead of us. The brutality of this liberal Goliath will stop at nothing to keep the status quo, and as it all unravels progressively, one year at a time, even the thickest among us will struggle to find excuses or comfort. Instead, I urge the people to educate themselves and others in their closest circle, for strength is like love and hope, always rippling outward from the hardcore of the first enlightened to the periphery of those who come later. Stay engaged and be ready for everything…