Two days ago a system update took place for domestic and international consumption. It is generally referred to by liberal apologists as a “peaceful transfer of power” which only happens in “democracies” or “constitutional republics” like this one, according to the aforementioned propagandists. Those slogans, however, could not be further from the truth, because this is neither a democracy nor a constitutional republic, but rather the most gigantic political construct in human history. It is called the liberal state, and its illegitimacy stems from its purpose, which is not to uphold fundamental deontological duties, but to serve as a conduit for the reproduction, expansion and accumulation of capital by the usufructuary caste—or the donor class or oligarchy as some call it. Of course, the existence of the state for the profit of a caste represents an obliteration of its only source of legitimacy, and thus the state forfeits its justification to live on.