The liberal paradigm and its offspring—laissez-faire capitalism—engulfs and traps every present and past ideologies, the nemeses of the liberal state: fascism, national socialism, communism, socialism, and a number of hybrids.
This fact is glaringly manifested when we hear self-proclaimed “leftists”, “progressives”, and “democratic socialists” worship at the altar of open borders (cheap labor at home) and open trade (slave labor abroad), effectively working at the behest of the Chamber of Commerce—one of the master/usufructuary caste organizations—In fact, they even tell the workers already in the land (irrespective of citizenship or immigration statuses) that we are only able to afford groceries because a subcaste of illegals are being exploited by a subset of the master caste, namely big agricultural corporations and conglomerates. And they have the gall to sell such a theory as “progressive”, “humane”, and so on. What is progressive about cheap or unpaid labor, also called surplus labor? The truth is those propagandists are part of the machinery of the state, and the programming tools used by the system to keep workers confused and divided, lest they realize the whole scheme is nothing but a conspiracy to use the state’s powers (laws, regulations and budgets) for the reproduction, expansion and accumulation of capital in the hands of the usufructuary caste.