Wars last longer (and the ensuing destruction is so much greater) when the guns are free for one or all sides of the conflict considered.
The ongoing war in the Levant is caused by an ill-advised colonial British decision back in the 40’s, following a protracted conspiracy formally stated in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Therefore, the genesis of this war is a historical fact in which all the perpetrators are already dead and impossible to be held accountable. Had the British partitioned their colonial domain into two distinct areas at a later date to be transformed into sovereign states, this decades-long massacre would not have happened. Unfortunately, the British have been destroying the world for centuries, in part as a result of their viewing non-European races as inferior. Had the Jewish people from Europe been true Semites the British would not have made that decision. But now that that island is reduced to the role of a fawning lackey for a crumbling liberal state across the ocean, it is difficult if not impossible to blame them for anything. Given the current state of affairs, fair-minded people can only feel sorry for Britain.
I have talked about the genesis, but not about the forces that are making the conditions for peace unrealistic. Those forces are the USA and its Western minions, plus a number of Arab dictatorships in the Persian Gulf, Iran and Russia. Some of these countries are treating the conflagration in the Levant as a proxy war, while others might genuinely believe this conflict is a struggle between right or wrong, or good and evil.Â
Regardless, all those states without exception are ideological, and not deontological. All of them have massive social and economic problems, and some of them are falling apart. Poverty, inequality, repression, censorship, violence and despair in different degrees are fixtures in the aforementioned countries, and in our liberal state (USA) all of the above is present at intolerable levels. The first and foremost duty of a deontological state is the welfare of its own people, from which its only source of legitimacy stems. Without the dutiful execution of basic deontological responsibilities, no state deserves to exist. A state does not have the right to gift guns to foreign countries while large swaths of its own people are struggling to survive. Never in the history of the world a serious political philosophy has advocated for any kind of foreign aid while neglecting the indigenous body politic. Any state engaging in that kind of mischief does not deserve to live on.
Furthermore, war is the worst of all possible grifts, particularly in the liberal state. Because of war, members of the usufructuary caste enrich themselves at the expense of national debt and inflation. And the debt is exploited further, by being turned into an asset for the usufructuary caste which by and large pockets the interests on that debt while the people are left with a debased currency and higher taxes. In the meantime, decent workers on all sides of every war perish while the scars left by the death and destruction ripples into the future as an echo of an infamy which should not have ever happened.