The destruction of the social and political identity of workers as workers is a must for the liberal state, because it is a prerequisite for the stability of laissez-faire and therefore the reproduction, expansion and accumulation of capital in the hands of the usufructuary caste, also called in modern parlance donor class, billionaire class, oligarchy and so on.
The only way to obliterate a social identity is through the use of one or more superseding identities. That is why race, national origin, sexuality, sexual identity and religion have been used, are being used, and will continue to be used for the reticulation (division) of the phalanxes of workers so they do not coalesce around the only identity that would threaten the status quo: that of a worker qua worker. That is why most plutocrats donate huge amounts to causes and organizations developed around all kinds of fracturing identities. And that is why the liberal state, through its armies of politicians and bureaucrats in suits and robes, uses legislation, executive orders, budgets and judicial rulings to stifle any political or social action intended to promote the identity of workers as the overriding identity in the body politic.
However, the most devastating scheme of fragmentation or reticulation of the body of workers is the partitocracy itself, this system of political parties. That is because the division caused by perceived different ideologies (although it is always the same and all-powerful laissez-faire ideology donning different masks) is one of the most difficult to overcome— I will not expound on this here. In addition, for reasons that can be explained by game theory, it tends to split the community in sets roughly the same size. Consequently, a partitocracy is always the political system present in the liberal state.