Another clear example of Marx nonchalantly dismissing the liberal hegemon as the sine qua non of predatory capitalism, very much in contradiction of his own reasoning, is found in chapter 25 of the aforementioned Capital . In this chapter, titled “General Law of Capitalistic Accumulation”, he lays out very systematically the causes and functions wherewith liberal capitalism is dependent upon a surplus population, a large section of it necessarily kept unemployed or underemployed. Marx puzzlingly fails to understand that without the connivance of the illegitimate state, a surplus population could not materialize and hence the conditions for expansion and concentration of capital could not be possible. I can unequivocally declaim that Marx rejects the logical conclusion that his well rationalized propositional framework led him to, in a stunning display of both ratiocinative powers and sheer stubbornness. (I surmise it is a Prussian trait.)
And how does the laissez-faire state go about the creation of that surplus population, including an obscene and tragic layer of pauperism? The answer is through the obliteration of its own borders and the creation of tax incentives for the begetting of as many future wagslave workers as possible; and both policies arise irrespective of the lack of merits, means or acumen whatsoever, or rather because of this lack. Indeed, this illegitimate state’s function as the political and ultimate guarantor of liberal capitalism and its most grueling feature, that of wagslave labor, requires from it the ruthless implementation of all and any policies aimed at the creation of a surplus population. But not any population; only that which needs to approach the market as a commodity bearer, totally dependent upon the underselling of its social labor power to procure its subsistence. It stands to reason that such a generic man needs to be, a fortiori, lacking developed multifaceted skills which could render him an independent operator, capable of making a living without entering a wagslave labor contract with a capitalist/employer. For reasons I hope will appear to most readers unmistakable, this man cannot be of above-average intelligence or endowed with a will and a conviction incompatible with the acceptance of a state of liberal serfdom and a meager living.
It is thus paramount for this predatory state to produce a surplus population considered “unskilled” or “low-skilled”, docile and obedient, weak of will, intellectually limited and without aspiring expectations. It is therefore a foregone conclusion that this putrid state is among the most racist organizations that ever existed in human history, for it equates the aforementioned mongrel population with the peoples hailing from so-called “underdeveloped countries”, where colored races are prevalent; and conversely, this state considers natives of developed countries (mostly white races) to be of a superior breed and consequently unfit to join the ranks of the surplus population. Thus the assumption of the ruling, political and functionary castes in this laissez-faire swindle is that colored peoples are racially inferior to white peoples. And this is the basis for an immigration policy that criminally obliterates our own southern border while contemporaneously placing significant restrictions on people trying to immigrate from Europe. That such a blatantly racist state is never called out by the “American left” is yet again, another indisputable proof that there are no leftists in America, but rather a clique of bought-and-paid-for impostors.