And how does the laissez-faire state go about the creation of that surplus population, including an obscene and tragic layer of pauperism? The answer is through the obliteration of its own borders and the creation of tax incentives for the begetting of as many future wagslave workers as possible; and both policies arise irrespective of the lack of merits, means or acumen whatsoever, or rather because of this lack. Indeed, this illegitimate state’s function as the political and ultimate guarantor of liberal capitalism and its most grueling feature, that of wagslave labor, requires from it the ruthless implementation of all and any policies aimed at the creation of a surplus population. But not any population; only that which needs to approach the market as a commodity bearer, totally dependent upon the underselling of its social labor power to procure its subsistence. It stands to reason that such a generic man needs to be, a fortiori, lacking developed multifaceted skills which could render him an independent operator, capable of making a living without entering a wagslave labor contract with a capitalist/employer. For reasons I hope will appear to most readers unmistakable, this man cannot be of above-average intelligence or endowed with a will and a conviction incompatible with the acceptance of a state of liberal serfdom and a meager living.