Democracy is not a vote, but the capacity to achieve and exercise political power by ordinary people. If the instrument used to that end is the vote, democracy would be the power to vote for oneself. So who are the workers in Congress or at the White House? And who were they in times past? Where are the electricians, plumbers, drivers, farmers, miners, bartenders, security guards, cashiers, gas attendants, cobblers, welders, etc.? We are not a democracy and we have never been one.
Constitutional republic? That is only, practically speaking, a predication upon the word “democracy”. It just explains the ways by which the representatives are chosen “democratically” among the people—in addition to place chartered limits to the powers of the state. Therefore, for this reason—and many others outside the scope of this post—we are not a constitutional republic either.Â
So perhaps next time you attend a town hall with one of your millionaire “leftist” representatives, you might feel inclined to ask him along the lines here presented. Do not forget to tape it. It will be fun….