Aristotle was right. Man is indeed a “political animal”. For that reason, when the state—as the structure that harbors all his political projections and facilitates his socioeconomic interactions with other members of the community—shows itself incapable or unwilling to abide by deontological duties harmonically reflecting the people’s ethos, then the “political animal” feels frustrated, forsaken, and ultimately betrayed and depressed.
We are suffering through the different stages in the process of this liberal state’s decomposition. With every passing year and decade, its moral carcass becomes more painfully obvious to the people, and the obscene stench that gives off impossible to conceal. The epidemic of drug addiction and alcoholism, prostitution, pedophilia, broken families, abortions on an industrial scale, obsession with violence, wars and other forms of criminality, rejection of legitimate work and contempt for workers, and the maniacal worship of the golden calf are all the symptoms—and not the causes—of a body politic or a community without a political extension. This is a political animal who is not being properly fed; the needs of his nature ignored by a state that is not his political reflection. Hence the people are fractured into countless groups and tribes, and any sense of belonging to something bigger and encompassing—where everybody is his brother’s keeper—a mere dream in the collective unconscious.
We all know that depression and suicide are on the rise, and indeed out of control. When the hope is lost, and the loneliness within the massive herd too overwhelming to cope with, some will eventually give up. But the fact that so many consider these realities a cause, and not an effect of the actual problem, shows how powerful the construct of the liberal state is, and how docile and compliant the people have become through intergenerational propaganda, indoctrination and cheap entertainment.