In the liberal state, the CIA has a primordial role in national security, state terrorism and mass surveillance of the American people and any people across the planet, whether the countries considered are friends or foes. Among many other roles, the aforementioned functions were also assigned to the SS in national socialist Germany. But of course, body count wise, the monstrosity of the SS pales in comparison to that of the CIA. Indeed, many dozens of states over the last seven decades have been thrusted into political turmoil and civil war because of the CIA operations. It does not matter if the onslaught is carried out through a coup, assassinations, covert actions to sow discord, strife and chaos, funding and cooperation with terrorist groups, destabilizing propaganda and so forth and so on. The result has always been the same: destruction on a massive scale, civil wars, millions dead and a measure of pain and suffering impossible to calibrate.
But the most fundamental similarity between the CIA and the SS is not of those organizations as subjects, but as objects. In other words, the American people, as the German people in 1945, claim they do not know anything, they do not see anything, they are not responsible for anything, and therefore they cannot be blamed for anything. They are too busy with gossip, porn and football. So as the rot of the liberal state progressively worsens and its organic extension—the body politic—descends into a deeper moral decay, we see the world—specially the so-called Global South—paying ever closer attention to our deeds, in complete astonishment, disgust and terror.Â
Unfortunately, the American people are being held hostage in a media cocoon of lies and propaganda, and they are for the most part blissfully ignorant of the destruction that their tax dollars are creating in the world. It is for this reason that the “American left” seems to be willing to die on the hill of the USAID, confident that the American people are too unaware or even stupid to understand that that organization is a CIA subagency.Â
Because it begs the question, why so many “progressives” are so keen on the defense of an agency whose main goal is the establishment of friendly regimes—very often illegitimate or criminal dictatorships—to facilitate the expansion and concentration of capital at home through the securing of the markets and the commodities that such expansion and concentration demand? Could it be that those “leftists” are just controlled opposition?… After all, I only see a bunch of millionaires with mansions everywhere and bloated bank accounts calling themselves “progressives”… Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.