Tariffs. If there is a smoking gun that exposes the fakery represented by this system of political parties, tariffs would be a very good candidate. This issue is revealing beyond any doubt, even in the eyes of the most obtuse among us.
The most damaging policies to the accumulation and expansion of capital in the hands of the master/usufructuary/donor caste are restrictive immigration and tariffs. In other words, the liberal state must fight and die on the hill of open borders (cheap labor at home) and open trade (slave labor abroad), since its only purpose is to facilitate the reproduction of capital, and its accumulation and expansion in the hands of the master caste.
It is amusing to contemplate how “progressive” politicians panic at the idea of borders to protect our workers and small producers from foreign competition, because that would disrupt the circulation of capital necessary for its accumulation and expansion. In other words, we see “leftists” in lockstep with the Chamber of Commerce and with every single billionaire in the liberal Leviathan.
The truth is that we are not a productive country relative to our massive wants. We consume a trillion dollars a year more than we produce and we cover the deficit with an expansion of the monetary supply through interest-bearing banknotes —what people misconstrue as fiat money—that we use to flood the world with. For the time being those banknotes are being accepted overseas as real money because of the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. Regardless, we over consume through debt (both private and public) and inflation. We spend the money we do not have in things we do not need, resulting in the creation of currency that should not exist because it outgrows the national output. We workers are pumping the bubble with low wages and debt, and when that bubble bursts we will be, of course, the first ones to go down the tubes due to massive unemployment and financial ruin. Truly a tale of two cities that no politician (“right-wing or “left-wing), plutocrat or propagandist will ever talk to YOU about in the liberal state.